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Aromatherapy: The Saving Grace for Perimenopause and After

Hormonal play during perimenopause

Perimenopause is a period before menopause. When your body transitions from regular menstrual cycle to no menstrual flow, you experience menopause but before you bump into menopause, there is a transitional period that occurs several years before menopause. Women in 40s or 50s experience the perimenopause symptoms.

This period is fraught with hormone fluctuations like progesterone, estrogen and testosterone. Progesterone is the first hormone that starts declining during perimenopause. Declining oestrogen impacts the health of women and give rise to myriad symptoms. The hormonal fluctuations cause erratic periods, hot flashes, mood swings, vaginal dryness, brain fog, sleep disturbances, weight gain and mental conditions like anxiety and depression etc. 

Perimenopause Symptoms: What should you expect when you are not expecting ‘PERIOD’

1. Hot Flashes/ Night Sweats

Hot flashes are one of the key perimenopausal symptoms. It is a sudden and periodic increase in your body temperature. It varies from woman to woman and can be mild to severe.

2. Irregular Periods

Perimenopause women do not experience normal menstrual cycles. You might skip or have longer or shorter periods during this phase. If you end up not getting periods for a longer period, you are transitioning from perimenopause to menopause.

3. Sleeplessness

Lack of sleep is a big issue during perimenopause. You wake up at odd hours in the night or find it difficult to sleep at night. Check out our sleep aid therapeutic blend and drift off to deep sleep.

4. Thinning Hair

You start losing your hair at an increasing speed during perimenopause. The fluctuations in hormones cause women in menopause these bodily changes like abnormal loss of hair, etc.

5. Vaginal Dryness

Your skin around the vagina becomes dry due to low estrogen levels. Perimenopause and low estrogen hormone go hand in hand and are often a cause of dryness and inflammation around the vaginal walls

4. Mood Swings

Frequent mood swings like agitation, hopelessness, anger, excitement etc are some of the mood shifts in perimenopause due to hormonal changes. 

4. Skin pigmentation

The low estrogen levels lead to skin pigmentation, facial hair, redness and dark spots in skin. Check our Anti-pigmentation ritual to protect your skin from pigmentation during perimenopause. 

Want to conquer Perimenopause? Choose Aromatherapy!

Aromatherapy is an effective way to address and navigate the hormonal changes in your body. Aromatherapy or essential oil therapy uses extracts from aromatic plants for healing and recovery. They can come from flowers, flower tops, leaves, bark, resins, roots or even seeds and in daily life are called Essential Oils. Aromatherapy is a perfect holistic self-care experience to harmonize your senses to elevate your mind, body and soul during perimenopause. Women in perimenopause who follow aromatherapy rituals show improved physical and mental health and are able to handle perimenopause symptoms better.

Key Essential Oil Blends to Soothe Perimenopause Symptoms:

Symptom Essential Oils
Hot Flashes
Clary Sage, Peppermint, Geranium, Lavender
Mood Swings
Bergamot, Ylang-Ylang, Frankincense, Geranium
Sleep Disturbances
Lavender, Chamomile, Valerian, Sandalwood
Vaginal Dryness
Rose, Geranium, Clary Sage, Sweet Orange
Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme, Geranium
Anxiety and Stress
Lavender, Bergamot, Ylang-Ylang, Frankincense
Memory and Concentration
Rosemary, Peppermint, Basil, Geranium

Treat Perimenopause: Synergy of Super Therapeutic blends

  1. Soothing Sesame Seed Oil – Sesame-seed oil, packed with Vitamins E and B, helps lighten dark spots, reduce skin pigmentation and rejuvenate your skin by promoting hydration.
  2. Perfect Patchouli – Patchouli is rich in antioxidants which are vital to fight inflammation and reduce ageing’s key issues – lines and wrinkles. Patchouli is perfect for restoring your anti-ageing glow.
  3. Lull of Lavender – Reduce dark spots, and skin redness, and restore the calming sensation all around your skin with the touch of lavender. Lavender is best to reduce blemishes, and acne scars and is one of the key ingredients that protect your skin from ageing.

Why Arezou?

Arezou is a personalized aromatherapy brand that helps you rediscover your inner desire and balance your physical and emotional health by regulating the hormones through aromatherapy. Whether you are going through perimenopause, menopause or aging, Arezou is a one-stop destination for all life stages. With engaging rituals to awaken the senses and a essential-oil based selfcare regime, Arezou transforms your routine and helps in easing you into these transition phases.

Going through Perimenopause? Download our Perimenopause eBook, your ultimate perimenopause companion, to learn the holistic methods to infuse these gorgeous blends.  Embrace natural oils and enhance your well-being today!

(Note: Please consult a healthcare provider before using essential oils especially if you have any health conditions or allergies.)

Ishita Saxena 
Licensed Aromatherapist

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Arezou offers age specific rituals to help you to pick those that are customised for your skin type.  
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