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Uncovering the Skincare Red Flags: Protect Your Skin

Uncovering the Skincare Red Flags: Protect Your Skin

We have tons of brands that sell aromatherapy products. For a lay person, it becomes a problem of plenty. Having to choose the right product and not able to decide which one is authentic often leads to decision fatigue.

This problem can be solved! Here are the three common red flags in aromatherapy skincare that no one talks about.

  1. Synthetic fragrances

Essential oils go beyond fragrances. Do not get tempted by the lovely fragrances. Product with synthetic fragrances can irritate skin and cause allergic reactions. Worst case, it can lead to hormonal imbalances. Synthetic fragrances can also cause long-term damage, such as skin discoloration and premature aging. Choose pure, essential oil-based formulas for true aromatherapy benefits.

How to identify: If a product lists fragrance or parfum as an ingredient, it is definitely synthetic.  Be aware of such products which use above words to disguise synthetic fragrances.

2. Lack of transparency on ingredients

Beware of brands that don’t disclose their ingredients. This is so very basic in aromatherapy. All brands whether reputed or otherwise should always, remember always, disclose their ingredients. Lack of ingredient disclosure is a recipe for skin disaster. Without transparency, you may unknowingly expose your skin to harsh chemicals, allergens, or irritants. This can lead to skin problems, such as acne, redness, or itching.

How to identify: Always choose products with clear ingredient labeling. If a product label doesn’t list the ingredients or uses vague terms like natural extracts or completely natural, it’s a sure sign of red flag.

3. Essential oils without proper dilution

Undiluted essential oils can cause burns and irritation. Why? Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts that can be very harsh and irritating to the skin if used directly without dilution. Using undiluted essential oils can lead to severe skin reactions like rashes or long-term scarring. Always check the ingredient label and make sure the concoction or individual essential oils are diluted with a carrier oil.

How to identify: Always check the ingredient label to ensure proper dilution. Educate yourself about essential oils and carrier oils. Check which carrier oil is mentioned in the label.

Arezou  –  Rituals devoid of synthetic fragrances, full disclosure of ingredients, and promise dilution

At Arezou, we prioritize authenticity and transparency. Arezou products are meticulously crafted with expert-backed formula and guidance. Our products are bereft of any synthetic fragrance, and diluted with suitable carrier oil that suit the concoction.

Aromatherapy skincare regime is a wonderful way to elevate your self-care practices in your daily routine. However, it is very essential to be aware of these important yet common red flags. Avoid these red flags and use thoughtfully crafted products to support your skin’s journey to radiance.

Choose wisely. Choose Arezou.

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