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Aromatherapy At Work

Aromatherapy At Work: An Employee Mental Health Initiative

Do you know Stress and Anxiety top the chart of mental health conditions among employees?

Deteriorating mental health among employees is a cause of concern for organisations. The whole organisational health is dependent on how employees feel at work, and not just about their work. Yet, like an inconsequential issue, it is slid under the carpet away from plain sight. t is 2024, and it is time we give it the attention it deserves and address it holistically to avoid the negative consequences that are sucking employees into an irreversible quagmire. 

Modern-Day Stressors at Work: Pinpointing the Triggers

1. Work Pressure and Long Hours

Work pressure and inflexible working hours impact work-life balance. Not being able to spend time in other leisure or self-care activities, feeling exhausted, weary and sleep-deprived pave the way for mental health distress in employees’ lives.

2. Co-workers Conflict

A sour equation between the workers adds insult to injury. Employees do not feel a connection with the workplace as all they derive out of it is resentment and ill-feeling which don’t augur well with their mental health and productivity.

3. Office Politics

Navigating office dynamics in a workplace seeped in envy, gossip and unhealthy power struggles is a challenge. It reflects poorly on employee’s self-esteem and lowers the drive to work towards the betterment of the organization. It is a huge hindrance to a smooth and healthy work environment. 

4. Job uncertainty

Feeling of uncertainty gnaws at employees. The dreaded reality of out-of-the-blue layoffs can break the flow of work and elevate their anxiety levels leading to overthinking and excess worry. Many employees start to put in late hours and work extra time during weekends just to be in the good books of management and avoid getting laid off, which in the long run becomes unhealthy and poses harm to their overall well-being. 

5. Health struggles

Work pressure adds to a lot of stress and affects the physical health of employees as it gives them little to no time to take care of their health, eat foods that nourish their growth, and protect them from illnesses and weaknesses. This hikes up their chance of falling sick quite frequently leading to the breakdown of their physical and mental health.

6. Lack of growth opportunities

An organization should create opportunities for employees to grow and rise in the ranks. Climbing the corporate ladder motivates employees and helps their mental health to stay stable and positive. Not getting enough growth opportunities can lower their productivity. Also, it creates an internal conflict in their minds and adds to a lot of emotional distress.

Battling Mental Heath Issues at Workplace? Watch out for these Tell-Tale Symptoms:

● Stress and Anxiety – Stress and Anxiety in employees can arise from many factors at work. These factors are micro stressors initially but when action is not taken to know the root cause of them, these stressors impact their mental health and snowball into some serious psychological conditions. Work pressure, inability to meet deadlines, poor appraisal, staff conflict, and an authoritative management and leadership style.  are some of the varied factors employees feel anxious and panicky about.

● Depression – Extreme anxiety leads to negative thoughts and rumination. Slighting these could develop a condition called depression. An unexplained sadness shrouds employees and a constant battle against it is waged day after day.  Here employees often reduce their interaction with other co-workers. They don’t socialize and do not feature in parties or office events. 

● Sleeplessness – Being connected to the device all the time and working long hours without detaching from work keeps the minds of employees always active. A peaceful mind results in peaceful slumber. Not being able to switch off makes it too hard for employees to get the required amount of sleep, causing erratic sleep patterns and sleeplessness. 

● Overthinking – Employees spend the majority of their time overthinking an issue. What happens if my presentation does not go well? What if I’m asked to quit, or if I’m not recognized for this project? Catastrophizing an issue is a common symptom that has become increasingly prevalent in today’s workplace environment. 

● Isolation – All the above symptoms especially depression push one to go on a downward spiral and most likely stop at isolation. Employees start isolating themselves from office events and other public events. They become comfortable being in their cocoon and lethargy sets in. They lose their job and get into unhealthy habits like addiction, substance use etc.  

How can Employee Wellness Initiatives help in lowering mental distress?

Employee wellness initiatives are a game changer.  It is a first step towards addressing the mental health of employees and aims to increase their contribution to the workplace and unlock their potential with a holistic approach. Making them come forward with their problems, helping them seek effective healing mechanisms to cope with workplace stress, and providing a self-care plan that takes into consideration their personal development as well as professional skill development is a 360-degree approach that employee wellness initiatives take. 

Wellness at Work – What are the wins?

● Improves productivity
● Boosts Team bonding and engagement
● Lowers Attrition Rate
● Reduces Absenteeism and Healthcare costs

Aromatherapy at Work – A Corporate Wellness Initiative by Arezou

Aromatherapy is an ancient healing practice that uses the therapeutic properties of essential oils to harmonize the different senses and provide relief to physical, emotional and mental health issues. Through the Aromatherapy at Work workshop, we are redefining employee wellness by integrating aromatherapy and holistic self-care rituals to reduce stress, improve productivity and achieve positive health outcomes in organizations.  With these rituals, employees feel motivated to take ownership of their health and well-being, assess their current self-care practices and engage in mindful routines that benefit both their professional and personal lives. 

Self-care: A crucial Tool of Aromatherapy at Work workshop

Aromatherapy at Work workshop treats self-care as a vital part of the employee wellness journey. It is crucial to love yourself to enjoy and uplift the senses. Keeping it as a nucleus that governs every part of the corporate workshop, comprehensive essential oil-based routines are administered.

Holistic Self-care Assessment – Mapping Your P-E-M (Physical, Emotional, and Mental climate)

Introspecting oneself is extremely important to know where the problem lies. Self-care Assessment, a transformative tool in Aromatherapy at Work workshop, is a valuable resource that helps employees reflect on their physical, emotional and mental care, underscores the inter-connectedness of the same and brings in focus the exact areas they need attention and care for. Some of the parameters through which these three are measured are:

Self-Care TypesActivities
Physical self-careDietary habits, Sleep routine, Physical activity, Hygiene and grooming.
Emotional self-careLeisure activities, Stress management, Supportive ecosystem, Healthy self-talk, Channeling the emotions.
Mental self-careLearning new skill, Realistic goals, Mindfulness routine, Taking enough breaks, Seeking professional help.

A Sneak Peek at Arezou’s Recent Aromatherapy at Work Workshop

The corporate workshop at Arezou is not just about evaluating the mental climate of employees but goes beyond it. Its main motto is to create awareness of the ensuing mental tension among employees to the organisations, empower the organisations to create an outlet for employees to channel their stress, and offer a safe healing space for employees to vent and learn coping mechanisms from experts.

Corporate Wellness Workshop Gets an Immersive Boost

We recently conducted a one-of-a-kind corporate workshop with aromatherapy as a central theme. The workshop led by our expert focused on aromatherapy-based self-care rituals and essential oils that aided in mental wellness with customized therapeutic oils that balanced and benefitted their mental, emotional and physical health.  The Workshop aimed at building self-care routines into rituals with practical tips on mindfulness practices, health and nutrition, and coping mechanisms through sensory engagement and emotional acceptance. 

Self-care Activity

Our expert asked the employees to express their unsettling emotions and stress at their workplace with a self-care assessment and activity. Through a self-care assessment and activity, employees expressed their workplace stress and emotions. Employees were able to transform their inner state by:● Accepting and articulating their emotions● Journaling and writing a gratitude prayer to shift negative thought patterns● Manifesting realityJoin our Corporate Workshop to invest in your employees’ mental health and transform their mental health landscape.

Connect with Ishita

Arezou, the only aromatherapy brand that speaks less and delivers more. We, at Arezou, understand your unique needs and help with tailor -made essential oil blends and practical selfcare rituals  that engages your sense of touch, sight and smell and do wonders to your overall wellbeing. 

(Note: Always speak to your doctor before using any essential oil based blend. Dilute the essential oils with a carrier oil and perform a patch test) 

Ishita Saxena 
Licensed Aromatherapist

Get an Expert Advice!


Arezou offers age specific rituals to help you to pick those that are customised for your skin type.  


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